Some Big November News from I4NW
Submissions Open, Survey Goes Live, & More!
Hello Index For The Next World Community!
Whew, what a week it's been. I hope that some form of relief or reprieve or rejuvenation, whether it be news, or rain, or something sweet to eat, is finding its way to you.
Here at I4NW, we've got 3 important pieces of news, and they involve you!
1. Submissions for the Winter Issue are Open!
We've opened submissions for the next issue of the I4NW publication, themed "Edge," and we would love to receive submissions from you and your community! Please pass the word along! More below.
2. Our Survey For You Is Live! Click here!
We made I4NW for you, our community, and we want to adapt it to be more exciting, accessible, and engaging to you! Please share your feedback and input by filling out the survey - it's a fun one. Thank you!
3. We still have free 7-day trials of the member village available!
We've included links to recent Member Village content in this newsletter - read on to can get an idea of what we offer. If you click through, you'll be redirected to a sign-up form, where you can grab the free trial and watch all the classes for free to see if the village is for you! Link above also takes you directly to the free trial sign-up.
More on all that below. Hoping this month in the Member Village supports you as we build together to take care of ourselves, each other, and the land.
With love and gratitude,
Rachel Economy
Owner / Lead Editor-Facilitator, I4NW
Want to gift a village membership to a friend for a month, or a year? Reach out at!
Submissions Are Open
Send Us Your Stuff!
Submissions are Open for the Winter 2020 Issue: Edge
Read the Full Call / Submit Here
From the submissions call:
"In this moment between worlds, we invite in visions from the edge.
Edge-walkers, rollers, slitherers, dancers, send us your next-world notes from the in-between.
With your paintbrush or body or pen, sing to us from the edges of stories - the operating stories that are the DNA of current dominant system, and the seed-stories, the surviving-stories, the germinating stories of the instead-world, of the next world as if it were already here, hiding in our pockets, in the forgotten sidewalk soil..."
Survey Time
Let's Re-Design Our Village To Meet Our Needs!
The I4NW Survey allows us to co-create and design the next iteration of the Member Village, and the business/ website in general, to meet our needs and desires together. This survey is for anyone who has any contact with Index For The Next World! That includes all our beloved newsletter community - you! We invite and welcome you to keep your voice in the conversation by filling out the survey here, or clicking on the button below. It truly is the heart of the design process to receive feedback, and we are grateful to collaborate with you in this way.
October's Village Video Classes
Check out what our members are watching in the village!
Check Out October in the Village
In our Out of the Garden Shed video this month, we're doing some Weeding! (No really, it's fun!) This month's learning thread is Dig Into Permaculture, and we are headed off on a Permaculture Principles Scavenger Hunt!The art download is a Bingo Board of Permaculture Principles to use in the scavenger hunt!
November in the Member Village
Every month, we publish 2 video classes and a PDF for village members
Check Out November in the Village
In our Out of the Garden Shed video this month, we're learning all about Cover Crops! What are they? How can we use them? How they are secretly an accessibility adaptation? This month's learning thread is Design Thinking For Change, and we are diving in to the design process by learning and practicing Needs & Values Mapping. Our art download is a Needs & Values Mapping Root System Worksheet for you to draw / write / brainstorm on!
Thank you all!
Here's to taking care of ourselves, each other, and the earth the best we can, and imagining and living the next world now.
[A quick note: we are in beta (trying it out) mode, and are working to get captions and image descriptions integrated throughout the site. These are priorities for us, and just to be transparent, we are currently a one-spoonie-woman-run-biz, and it's taking a bit of time to get there.]