Design Your Edible Garden Today!

Edible Garden Design
For All Kinds Of Locations & Needs

I am edible garden designer.

For my whole life growing up, I didn’t know that’s something you could be. At 21, I approached my Environmental Studies thesis advisor in despair, asking, “But what am I going to do?” I’m not a policy and lobbying person (thank you from the bottom of my toes in the dirt to those who are!), and seem to shrivel if I spend more than one day indoors.

“Have you thought about edible landscape design?” she asked? I had not. I had never even heard of it.

It would be many more years working and learning in community food systems, sustainable agriculture, farm-based science and skills education, and permaculture design and practice, before I remembered that this was something one could do. And I remembered because I was slowly realizing it was something I really, really wanted to do.

And so I trained. I have practiced visual arts my whole life, with a particular focus on sketching and a love of designing spaces. I had also trained and worked for many years in garden-based education. Now, I began to learn the magic of design-thinking, the art of facilitation and client conversations, and the ecology-based, natural-pattern-filled design specialty known as permaculture design. All the while continuing to put literal seeds in the ground.

And so it was that I started designing edible gardens. I loved it. I still do! I help current and hopeful home gardeners design delicious edible gardens for their particular spaces, desires, and accessibility needs. I use analog sketching and hands-on design tools to create a beautiful, bespoke design for your garden, then deliver it digitally so you can access it easily, along with easy-start materials lists and first-steps guides to get you going.

I’m an artist and designer who has worked in sustainable farming and gardening for over a decade. I’ve completed several permaculture design certifications, trained in and taught regenerative and ecological agriculture, and helped map, plan, and install gardens in urban and rural settings, from front porches to multi-acre sites.

As a disabled and chronically ill gardener myself, I love innovating and designing for accessibility and adaptations in the garden. I also love a creative challenge - ancestral plants themed garden? Let’s do it! Plants from a particular beloved cookbook? Here we go! Reach out with your creative and weird garden ideas!

I offer gardening tutoring and client co-work-and-learn sessions, in which I teach you organic gardening skills and practices as we put your new garden design into the ground together. Or if you have an existing edible garden but feel like you have no idea what you’re doing, I’m here to help! If you’ve always wanted to garden, but feel intimidated or locked out of the “mystery,” or if you’ve got the beginnings of a garden but just can’t seem to get it thriving and want to learn more, I will help you get growing with a series of hands on lessons. I also work with experienced gardeners who want to dig down - folks who want to deepen an existing practice, and weave in deeper and wider homesteading and permaculture crafts and skills.

I’ve taught gardening and farming to all ages and skill levels, in rural and urban settings, across many different access needs, always with an eye on social justice, reparation and repair, and radical re-connection to our membership in our own ecology. I love the look on someone’s face the first time they hold a tomato in their hands that they grew from seed.

Supporting Groups Of Friends, Families, Colleagues & Collectives

I love creating garden learning experiences for small groups and teams - whether you and your family want to learn to garden together through once-a-week lessons, or you and your team are in search of a professional development workshop in permaculture design (an ecological design process that can be applied to everything from gardens to organizations themselves), or you’re a community collective who wants to learn to install and care for a shared garden space, I have something in my gardener’s bag for you. I’ll work with you to come up with a workshop or ongoing lesson design that meets your group’s needs. I particularly love training garden educators in specialty skills like permaculture design, fermentation and land-based crafts, designing for animals in the farm ecosystem, and accessible and adaptive gardening. I also love working with my fellow chronically ill “spoonie” and disabled community to build garden practices and skills that work for and nourish us, whatever our access needs may be.

A Letter to Our Members - And to YOU!

December 2020 / Solstice / Changes!

The following is my December letter to our Village Members - a Village you can become a part of! - as we close out the year and approach some exciting changes that will make our monthly Member Village content more accessible to all. Want to join in or learn more? Shoot me a line!


Hello, dear I4NW Village Members!

As the roiling year of 2020 comes to a close, and we approach the Winter Solstice as well as the turning of the calendar year, I want to share some exciting upcoming changes here in the Member Village, as well as two videos that I feel might be particularly supportive to you in this time of sinking into darkness, green things in winter, and bright stars.

FIRST: Starting around February 2021, the I4NW Member Village will switch to being FREE! You will be able to subscribe, get the monthly members-only newsletter (with some added recs and resources), and watch 1-3 videos made by me, all for free. Please watch the update video below for more details about why this is happening, why it's so exciting for me, and why I hope you'll join me in that excitement and in the next iteration of the Village!


- We're making a new Member Village - a one-stop place where you can subscribe, for FREE, to I4NW's monthly village content

- During January, you'll receive the link to switch over to the free subscription - please click it when you do! I don't want to drop anyone from the village through the cracks, so reach out to me if you have any trouble switching over at rachel.nextworld[AT]

- The current (paid) Member Village subscription will stay live until the end of January, as will the Practice Patreon. At the end of January, I will cancel these paid subscriptions (you don't need to do anything to make that happen!)

- I won't add any new content during January, and subscriptions will continue to the end of the month, in order to give folks a chance to catch up on content during January. If you want to cancel your subscription earlier than the end of January, that's totally fine!

- This next, free version of the Member Village will include video captions, the ability to leave comments on videos and share them with your friends, and more topics in the videos!

SECOND: Submissions for the Winter Issue are Still Open!
We're accepting submissions through New Year's for our winter issue, themed "Edge," and we would love to receive submissions from village members and your friends! Please spread the word <3

THIRD: This month's videos are here to support both the grief and the creative re-design richness that can arise in winter, especially this year. They're linked below, with more info.

Finally, I want to say a deep thank you to all of you. In the middle of a year of isolation, terrifying disease, increasing exposures of inequities, growing resistance to white-supremacist systems of violence, and ever growing evidence that we are more interconnected than our current systems can even fathom, you came here and helped begin this community. You shared your thoughts, queries, enthusiasms. You reached inward and outward to find tangible, actionable measures of hope, actual practices for imagining and building the worlds we need, now. You also helped me more than I can explain - feeling connected to you through making videos for you/in conversation with you cut through my own isolation and kept me from getting immobilized. Grief and creativity live side by side, and both need community to thrive, and to see the next world while caring for the current one and making repair for the past. It is exponentially easier for me to hold both when I am in connection with you, and I hope the same feels true in your direction to some extent. Wherever you are, however you're doing, you are always welcome here - you are the "us" of this village, and I'm so excited to venture into this next iteration together, and keep seeding the next world together.

Hoping this winter in the Member Village supports you and those around you, including the land and more-than-human, find rest, compost, ease in the darkness, and green things singing quietly about the coming spring.

With love and gratitude,
Rachel Economy
Owner / Lead Editor-Facilitator, I4NW