Narrative Futures Design - The new video course is live!


Dear friends, family, collaborators & community...

Welcome to 2022!

Narrative Futures Design
The new video course is live!


I know, I know, it's March already, but this past winter's months moved in winter time, and so here we are, with the first I4NW news of 2022 - and oh, is it good. 


This year, I'm trying out shorter newsletters slightly more often (think actually once a month) - with one piece of news each, so it's easy for you to know what's happening over here at Index for the Next World, and to get involved / get access to each offering!


This month's news is particularly big and exciting: I have a new online course for you!


In partnership with the excellent facilitators and design thinkers over at Voltage Control, I just launched my new online video course, Narrative Futures Design. The course is available through the Voltage Control Elective Courses platform here, and if you enroll right now you get $50 off!


If you're a group facilitator, a leader of a team, collective, or small-to-medium company / organization, and you have an interest in expanding your group’s creative change-making capacities beyond business-as-usual, this course is for you.


Please share the link with your communities, check it out, and let me know what you think! And if someone signs up for the course based on your recommendation, let me know, and I'll send you a special gift :) 


Narrative Futures Design: The Course In More Detail

What will happen in this course?

Participants will learn to utilize and facilitate “backwards design” skills to support their projects and teams; they will gain tools to promote emergent thinking and collaboration (rather than emergency/scarcity thinking), in order to access wide and unexpected futures innovation; and they will access and build neurological somatic practices for expanding beyond barriers and roadblocks that can appear in forwards design.


What are "Narrative Futures" tools?

Narrative Futures tools allow us to do backwards design, working from “inside a future” in which the problem is already solved! In this course, we’ll learn and practice tools for outside-the-box innovation and backwards futures-design, using story, creative practices, somatic tools, and design-thinking to expand the futures we design and create. Plus, you’ll learn skills for sharing these practices with your team or group. Create beyond apparent contradictions and perceived scarcity. Uncover the stories you’re enacting now, and the ones you actually want to embody, whether as an individual, a team, or an organization. Connect with your team and bring their dreams and offerings into the group ecosystem, and access wild and unexpected innovation, so that you can make the futures you imagine possible starting with actions and designs today.


A Letter to Our Members - And to YOU!

December 2020 / Solstice / Changes!

The following is my December letter to our Village Members - a Village you can become a part of! - as we close out the year and approach some exciting changes that will make our monthly Member Village content more accessible to all. Want to join in or learn more? Shoot me a line!


Hello, dear I4NW Village Members!

As the roiling year of 2020 comes to a close, and we approach the Winter Solstice as well as the turning of the calendar year, I want to share some exciting upcoming changes here in the Member Village, as well as two videos that I feel might be particularly supportive to you in this time of sinking into darkness, green things in winter, and bright stars.

FIRST: Starting around February 2021, the I4NW Member Village will switch to being FREE! You will be able to subscribe, get the monthly members-only newsletter (with some added recs and resources), and watch 1-3 videos made by me, all for free. Please watch the update video below for more details about why this is happening, why it's so exciting for me, and why I hope you'll join me in that excitement and in the next iteration of the Village!


- We're making a new Member Village - a one-stop place where you can subscribe, for FREE, to I4NW's monthly village content

- During January, you'll receive the link to switch over to the free subscription - please click it when you do! I don't want to drop anyone from the village through the cracks, so reach out to me if you have any trouble switching over at rachel.nextworld[AT]

- The current (paid) Member Village subscription will stay live until the end of January, as will the Practice Patreon. At the end of January, I will cancel these paid subscriptions (you don't need to do anything to make that happen!)

- I won't add any new content during January, and subscriptions will continue to the end of the month, in order to give folks a chance to catch up on content during January. If you want to cancel your subscription earlier than the end of January, that's totally fine!

- This next, free version of the Member Village will include video captions, the ability to leave comments on videos and share them with your friends, and more topics in the videos!

SECOND: Submissions for the Winter Issue are Still Open!
We're accepting submissions through New Year's for our winter issue, themed "Edge," and we would love to receive submissions from village members and your friends! Please spread the word <3

THIRD: This month's videos are here to support both the grief and the creative re-design richness that can arise in winter, especially this year. They're linked below, with more info.

Finally, I want to say a deep thank you to all of you. In the middle of a year of isolation, terrifying disease, increasing exposures of inequities, growing resistance to white-supremacist systems of violence, and ever growing evidence that we are more interconnected than our current systems can even fathom, you came here and helped begin this community. You shared your thoughts, queries, enthusiasms. You reached inward and outward to find tangible, actionable measures of hope, actual practices for imagining and building the worlds we need, now. You also helped me more than I can explain - feeling connected to you through making videos for you/in conversation with you cut through my own isolation and kept me from getting immobilized. Grief and creativity live side by side, and both need community to thrive, and to see the next world while caring for the current one and making repair for the past. It is exponentially easier for me to hold both when I am in connection with you, and I hope the same feels true in your direction to some extent. Wherever you are, however you're doing, you are always welcome here - you are the "us" of this village, and I'm so excited to venture into this next iteration together, and keep seeding the next world together.

Hoping this winter in the Member Village supports you and those around you, including the land and more-than-human, find rest, compost, ease in the darkness, and green things singing quietly about the coming spring.

With love and gratitude,
Rachel Economy
Owner / Lead Editor-Facilitator, I4NW